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From: Hamden, CT

Hometown Fair:
The Big E - West Springfield, MA
Originally from Connecticut, Steve co-founded Nashville, TN-based Noise New Media in 2008. Steve first accessed the Internet through Yale’s VAX/VMS in 1995 at 1200bps, long before the advent of the modern World Wide Web. As a network engineer in the Y2K era, he deployed multi-state wide area networks and long-haul wireless connectivity for companies large and small.
Today, Steve’s strengths include connecting the dots between social campaigns and ticketing providers; a key contributing factor in proving Noise’s impact on ticket sales for over a decade.
Known for his patient, zero-buzzword approach
to helping clients understand social trends, Steve
is a vital resource for promoters and organizations across the country.
An extreme live music fan in his downtime, Steve can be found traveling the country discovering the hottest emerging acts. He also never misses a Sunday show.
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